Report post

What is Societe Generale report?

A regulated publication providing full information about Societe Generale’s business activity, governance, financial and non-financial results, and outlook. Report on the nature, risk appetite and risk management framework in force. Since 2022, the report has also presented details on non-financial risk management.

Is Societe Generale a good company?

Societe Generale complies with the highest standards of corporate governance. It applies the AFEP- MEDEF corporate governance code for listed companies and complies with all regulations applicable to the banking and financial sectors. Societe Generale aims to create long-term value for all its stakeholders. 2023 has been a year of transition.

What is Societe Generale?

Societe Generale group’s business model is designed to ofer responsible, innovative financing solutions to help clients achieve their plans and address their transition issues, and thereby make a greater contribution to the sustainability of economies and society in general.

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